Famous Brits...
Below are our articles on the subject of Famous Brits. If you can't see what you are looking for our other categories are displayed on the left under 'Our Quick Links'...
British Actors & Actresses
Throughout the decades the United Kingdom has been responsible for producing some of the finest theatre and film actors the world has seen, here we look at some of the…...
Celebrated British Poets
This article looks at some of the British poets who have found world renown and have inspired many of today's modern poets and writers...
Famous British Architects
This article looks at some of Britain's most famous architects both past and present...
Famous British Artists
The first three, in our look at some of Britain's most revered and well known artists...
Famous British Engineers
This article looks at some of the engineers that have been prominent in making British one of the most forward thinking countries in the world and one of a few…...
Prominent British Inventors
This articles looks at some of Britain's most famous inventors and the impact they have made on our everyday lives with their inventions....
Well Known British Writers
This article looks at some of Britain's most famous writers...